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48HOURS Entries, 2024

National Winner Peter Jackson Wildcard



National Runner Up Peter Jackson Wildcard

Loose End

Great Lake Film Society

City Winner


Couch Kumara

City Winner

Thicker Than Water

Jovial Entertainment

City Winner

Zero Mum Game

An Evening With

National Runner Up


Disqualified Tim

Peter Jackson Wildcard

The Long Neck Job


National Finalist

Beware the Kraken

Sports Team

National Finalist

Chef's Kiss

Permanently Confused

National Finalist

Dead of the Day

The Good Bits

National Finalist

Lover's Got the Runs

Pixel Pixies

National Finalist

Man Hand


National Finalist

Monster State

Sad Jackie

City Runner Up



National Finalist

Screw The Pooch

Horny Owls

City Runner Up

Stage Four Law

Rabid Aunty Jean

National Finalist


chips cheese cats etc

National Finalist

The Lurhman Brothers

Berger King

Recent reviews

Masters at work here! A fantastic story, it feels like a great anecdote you’d hear at a dinner party. The performance from the lead actress was fantastic. Completely convincing. The camera work is scrumptious … Show more

This haunting, heartbreaking film delivered a real punch. Director Julie and the team of creatives that concocted this concept were clever with their manipulation of the audience’s expectations. The twist … Show more

Well done on this film. It was so much fun. A right laugh from start to finish. For a heist film, their choice of what would be the loot was hilarious. Perhaps it was a choice made for availability concern, … Show more

Excellent style. Very well done.

Both main actors are incredible but the set design, costumes, and writing are just as packed. Done it again really.

Well-deserved Sir Peter Jackson Wildcard and amazing to see Kratos' dream of coming to the 48Hours Grand Finals come true with 'The Long Neck Job'. I love all the surprises in the film, the alpaca in the car, … Show more

The presentation of this film shows that this team knows what they are doing technically. The locations are well selected, and filmed at just the right time of day to convey the right emotion. The acting … Show more

I've been sitting and thinking about this film for months and months, umming and ahhing about the thoughts in my brain versus what comes out of my keyboard here. Because ultimately for me this does a number … Show more

First of all, congratulations on the win team, you are an exciting and talented group and to take out the grand final this year was a brilliant effort to catch the eye of the stacked panel of international … Show more