1 Entry and 5 Reviews

The Interrogation
A Fat Guy Makes Movies
For Evelynn
I started out being really blown away by this but it soon became apparent the project was too ambitious for a 48hour film. The animation frame rate got lower and lower towards the end and there were a lot of unfinished shots. Had the quality from the beginning not been so high it wouldn't have been so jarring. Still, what was finished was bloody amazing and it was refreshing to see a fully fleshed out story instead of going for cheap laughs (yes I'm guilty of doing exactly that - lol). It was a bloody (no pun intended) good story too and definitely one of the standout films on the night. Perhaps go for something a bit shorter next year as the skills are there to take out the competition!
A friend for life
Wow. I just got back from the Auckland finals and I don't mean to take anything away from the two winning teams but I feel Missing Pixels was horrifically overlooked. A Friend for Life was by far the best 48Hour film I have ever seen. Brilliant story, stunningly shot, beautifully acted and with a damned important message to boot. Excellent work, guys. If I was one of the judges this would have taken out just about every category. Everyone needs to watch this - I can only hope PJ picks it up as a wildcard as this film has competition winner written all over it. STUNNING STUFF!
A Baaaaad Habit
There were some fantastic quality films in heat six last night but in my opinion this was by far the best. It was laugh out loud funny, brilliantly voiced and reeked of quality. I'm not sure but may have been another one man band? If so, even more impressive considering the absolute polish. I'm actually shocked it didn't make it into the audience's top three... everyone seemed to love it judging by the crowd's reaction. Definite contender for the finals methinks!!!
I really enjoyed this one. Not sure it was dystopian exactly but hey, it was a total blast. The child in me kept laughing on the way home about one of the characters, John. It was genius what they did with him. Easily in my top 3. Great acting, well shot and fantastic props, costumes and set dressing.