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Somebody Someone Marc Tamargo

14 Reviews


Two Tall Tales

This was a very enjoyable and fun film to watch. The story was very well developed, as it had a well developed beginning, middle and end. And the ending was very satisfying and amusing. However there were parts of the movie that seemed to drag and where the production value was less than ideal. And the characters did seem a bit too clichéd for my liking. But it definitely took its original concept to affect a very entertaining story. I definitely had a lot of fun with this film.


This film was well acted and put together. It’s always impressive to see a 48hour film that uses lots of locations like this film did. However the sound editing was a little off, but other than that the editing was nicely done for a well paced film. However one factoid really interfered with my enjoyment of this film and that is that it really seemed to be evading the provocation of its genre. Being a huge fan of the end of the world genre I was quite disappointed that the creators of the film seemed to be avoiding that genre, and it gave me the sense that they didn’t like the genre and were purposely trying to get away from it or that they already had an idea they were determined to do no matter what genre they got. To me this is a big deal and I think a 48hour film is most successful when it embraces the received genre even if its something the team doesn’t want. The ending of the film that tied into the genre, even though it did somewhat tie into the rest of the story still felt to me like it was thrown in there just to appease the genre requirements. But other than that, a fun film.

No Bars

I was very impressed with the way this film was produced, the acting, cinematography and editing were very well put together in a way that immediately got me involved in the film and kept my interest through out. However the over all story to me seemed more like an outline or 1st draft of a story than a fully completed and realized story as it seemed to end too abruptly. Further development on the script would have been appreciated however it was still a pleasure to watch something as well put together as this film was.


An enjoyable film that certainly had its fun, comedic moments particularly at the end which provided lots of laughs, however this film was about inspiration rather than being inspiring itself which was a bit of a let down for me. Certain production values weren’t executed as well as they could have been, and silliness level of the film was sometimes too much for my tastes. But the characters were consistently funny through out, which over all made this a really fun film.


This film was well acted and put together. It’s always impressive to see a 48hour film that uses lots of locations like this film did. However the sound editing was a little off, but other than that the editing was nicely done for a well paced film. However one factoid really interfered with my enjoyment of this film and that is that it really seemed to be evading the provocation of its genre. Being a huge fan of the end of the world genre I was quite disappointed that the creators of the film seemed to be avoiding that genre, and it gave me the sense that they didn’t like the genre and were purposely trying to get away from it or that they already had an idea they were determined to do no matter what genre they got. To me this is a big deal and I think a 48hour film is most successful when it embraces the received genre even if its something the team doesn’t want. The ending of the film that tied into the genre, even though it did somewhat tie into the rest of the story still felt to me like it was thrown in there just to appease the genre requirements. But other than that, a fun film.

No Bars

I was very impressed with the way this film was produced, the acting, cinematography and editing were very well put together in a way that immediately got me involved in the film and kept my interest through out. However the over all story to me seemed more like an outline or 1st draft of a story than a fully completed and realized story as it seemed to end too abruptly. Further development on the script would have been appreciated however it was still a pleasure to watch something as well put together as this film was.