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Somebody Someone Rosalie Liddle Crawford

2 Entries and 2 Reviews


City Finalist

Flüstern des Herzens

Guavablue Productions

The Olive Farmer



A Couple' a Wetties

This is by far my favourite film for 2022. I absolutely had no idea what was going on - which of course is something I loved about it - and I couldn't work out who or what was the swap. Did a person swap with a seagull? Was that a cat in the lap (with incredible smile) that turned into a human? I have no idea hahaha. But wow the quirkiness and randomness - I just fell in love with this film and watched it many times over, can't wait to see it again.
I did love how it was in three parts that seemed unrelated or randomly related to each other through the actors - the opening scene and beach scene, followed by the actors appearing to be on stage or being interviewed, followed by the gatekeeper scene. I totally found this film very satisfying, entertaining and mentally stimulating because of all the questions forming in my mind. Superb crazy actors, humour and bizarreness. Loved the beach scene so much with that crazy running, the surfie dude and the bird. Thank you so much for making this film. Please make more.


Every year I can't wait to see what Great Lake Film Society are going to make next for 48Hours, and this year they delivered all the 'great' once again.

The screen writing, acting, special effects, sound, music, cinematography, production design - I want to effuse madly about all this, but am afraid of giving away the story. It's just all so well executed.

As the opening credits came up on screen, the audience applause was spontaneous ...before the film had even got underway ....and then was followed with constant laughter throughout the film, laughing at the hilarious antics of the actors. This film was an audience favourite. Story is always king with this team, and they didn't sacrifice the story at all to achieve the required elements and genre. It was really just perfect.

And it has all the required elements of transcendent strangeness and randomness while still taking itself seriously that you hope to get with a 48Hour film. So, in summary it's a completely satisfying watch and I expect them to take out a bunch of awards! (I'm competing against them - if I wasn't I'd say that I'd expect them to take the top BOP award :) but I gotta be loyal to my own team lol)

WATCH THIS FILM! It's supremely satisfying to see skilled filmmakers at their craft.