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Somebody Someone TeamSolita

4 Entries and 39 Reviews


City Finalist


Team Solita

My Tinfoil Hat

Team Solita

City Finalist

No Filter

Team Solita

Having Tea With Mara

Team Solita


Treble in Paradise

I really liked the story in this film. Some great lines and delivery from the cast. Nicely shot and edited, and the music was really great too!


I especially looked out for this movie to repay Dave’s generousity. He's kind enough to give us reviews every year, and as newbies they really help us improve.

The camera work in this film was very good, and I enjoyed the cinematography, there were some really beautiful shots. Also, some really good location choices. Particularly loved the tunnel shot and the use of lighting there.

The story was slightly confusing, but I liked the apple motif and came to a sort of differential apocalyptic conclusion based on the apple being eaten, then replenishing.

The acting was good, and the youngest actor was a pleasure to watch. Well done to her!

The only issue, really, was the sound. It was so quiet in parts I missed some of the dialogue, which maybe would have helped me understand the story better. But it certainly wasn't hard to watch.

300 Metres

This one got a lot of laughs from me!

Rekindled Spirits

Such a good watch! The songs were top notch, animation was great and the story was really engaging.

Pazu Who?

This film made me laugh, and the main actor was brilliant. I loved the Bachelor concept.

Companion Bot

Really enjoyed this! Good story and that song deserves an award :)

The Heartless Calculating Bastard

Really good story, well shot and a great location. Had a lot of laughs during this one!

The intricate art of Perfect Gravy

Really enjoyed this film. Great acting from the lead!

Tonight On Extreme Quickfire Trivia

This was great! Animation was very good, story was fun and the jingle was a real winner.

Red Flag

This was an absolute stunner of a film! Acting, editing, camera, lighting, sound and script all completely on point.

And a few 'hey! I know who that actor is!' moments always ups the game as well.

I can certainly see this one appearing in the last few places in the competition finals this year, if not winning the whole thing :)

Dear Householder

Super enjoyable film/music video from Suki and the Disappointments :) Loved the practical effects with heads being cut off cardboard cut-outs and the ensuing blood splatter!
Great song too. Well done team!

Zero Mum Game

This film had it all! Looked amazing, really good story, plenty of laughs, good acting and a very satisfying ending. A definite favourite from the Christchurch heats for me :)

Pray, Love, Eat

Really enjoyed this. Voice-over was great, and loved the behind the scenes explanation above of the filming!

Mind Over Molly

Really enjoyable film. Well shot and very good acting.

Therapy - With A Twist

I needed 3 showers, an entire pot of tea and a cry in the corner after watching this film. I think it hit the mark there! Definitely memorable.
Also well shot. The camerawork that is, not the closing scene. If you know, you know...

"Who pinched a loaf?"

Fun film, nice use of the echo.

ACAB: All Cops Are Builders

Camera work, FX and story was all great in this one. Highly enjoyed watching it.


Good script, really felt like a complete story. Great camera work and acting. Thoroughly enjoyed this film!

Joyless Pussies

This was one of our favourite films of the competition this year. Great performances, awesome make-up and some genuine laugh out loud moments.

A Glimpse of Sin

Amazing! Such a fun watch. Voice acting was particularly excellent.


Well-deserved win in Gisborne! The acting, script, sound, visual effects and cinematography were all excellent.
Great work Hot Lunch team :)

But Wait - There's More!

Really enjoyed this film! Good story and acting. Great use of effects too.

Ghoul's Night In

What an enjoyable film! Quite possibly my favourite of the competition so far :)
Really well shot, good acting, good story and casting a Trump-a-like as the devil was an inspired move.
Great work!!

Skiddles' Run

I loved the POV camera, and the ending gave me a big smile. Well done!

Dead of the Day

So good!
Loved the colour grade and FX. Good story too, and great performances.
Awesome work team!!


What a great film! The effects were simply outstanding. The script was really good, and the acting was top-notch. Looking forward to seeing this one a few more times!


This was great! Very good story, and well executed (pun not intended).
Such a shame about the DQ. Hope you go far in the best disqualified film category.

Hot Sexy Booby Girl Nude Porn Sex Naked

This made us laugh out loud :) Great story and the main actor was awesome!


What a fun film! Great camera and editing work and the acting was a riot. Such a shame on the DQ.

Birthday Boy

Really enjoyed this one. Great work!


Some amazing shots in this one, well done team!

Crimson Snow

Beautiful looking film. That location was just breathtaking.

Cowboy hats off to your camerman for getting the exposure right. I would have run screaming having to film that in a hurry!

Tunnel Vision

Really enjoyed this film. Looked great, well shot and a good storyline. Good acting too. Well done team!

The Fountain of Youth

Excellent cinematography, and that location was top-notch! Really enjoyed this film.


Hilarity did indeed ensue :) Really enjoyed this film. It looked like you had fun making it!

Creature Comforts

One of my favourite films from the Wellington heats. Normally I watch the 48 Hours films and notice camera angles, lens choices and all that nerdy stuff, but the story was so compelling in this one that I realised I had completely zoned in on it. Very rare! Fantastic work PuppyGuts.


This was a cute, quirky and funny film. I enjoyed it.

The Getaway

Very enjoyable film! Particularly liked the acting in this one. Well done team :)

Eternal Bond

Lots of laugh out loud moments watching this one in the heats! Great story and very enjoyable acting. Nice one team :)