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Somebody Someone Castar

3 Reviews


Prank Monster

All I'll say is that I wish I got to see this film in person. Chefs kiss

The Gathering

Awesome film! As others have stated, definitely was a standout amongst Heat 2 and a strong contender for best School Team in CHCH. The film was well paced, had a good story structure, and was fun to watch overall. The opening exposition, coupled with the well executed match cut was what had me hooked in the beginning. Great acting, art direction and also the arc shot sequence as well.

My main takeaway would be to spend a little more time on implementing more sound effects. In particular, the various magic tricks done by the magicians to really enhance that scene. It would've felt more satisfying hearing an effect for the magic wand or for the ball trick as it felt a lil bit empty without it added.

Overall, it was a great film to watch and I can't wait to see what this team does for the next 48 hour competition. :)

Walcom to New Zillund

Oh I am a sucker for anything 80's so you've got big marks from me. I thought this was a brilliant interpretation of a true story. It had good world building, great acting, looked really good and was paced very well.

The only thing that would hold this film from potentially being a city finalist or shortlist would be the lack of intensity towards the end in the sound design. It would've given that final push to an otherwise well polished film.

I think this is a team that has the capability of becoming a future city finalist in Welly. :)