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Somebody Someone divisionaryfilms

3 Reviews


The Lurhman Brothers

really fun take on a Lovecraftian Horror! Really impressive production design.
Has the feel like an animation, of something that was a bit more planned out before the weekend - sourcing everything and making the planned film work with whatever the variables were. But that's another way of saying it was cohesive and polished. Could easily play this outside the context of 48 and no one would know.


one of my favourite 48 gems i've seen in a long time! What really happens when you let people just put themselves on screen and make things!
A simple story but delightfully unhinged.


one of my favourites! Did it use all the 48 variables? dunno. don't care.
it did what few 48 films manage, which is cinematic cohesion.
Why does it cut to pictures on the wall in the middle of a scene? dunno, but it felt exactly right as i was watching it.
Like a yorgos lanthimos movie, it feels like a fully formed piece that arrived from another world and I'm kind of uninterested in asking "why".
it was doing its thing and it did that thing at 100%, and every part of it was yummy and provocative. I hope the jury groove with it. I'd love to see this recognized!