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Somebody Someone sloppyscoob

2 Reviews


God Has Abandoned Us (The Devil Is Here)

very impressed with this film and how fun and engaging it is to watch, the colours, the vibes, the cinematography was so enticing and visually swag. I really enjoyed this creative decision as it fully immerses you into the world and story, as opposed to being shot in a more general, safe hallmark movie style which can tend to be visually bland and anemic looking.
The set design was detailed and looked even cooler with the smoke and lighting, making a moody, and rich atmosphere.
Also Loved the commitment to the possession theme -despite not even being placed in that category! I thought it did it so well, with a cohesive story to go with it.
The match-cut was so creative and cool-zooming into the priest's eye ball which then matches earth (ball). The beach scene was like straight out of a movie, looked very cool.
The characters were interesting and well done. The cynical priest and the frantic wretch on the beach were very amusing and very well played. Would've loved to see more screen time for the sister, her acting was stellar. The possessed girl couldve sounded and looked more possessed, though. The music and sound was awesome and eerie, from start to end. I especially liked the creepy child like? Noises when the devil was on screen, an actual devil appearance was cool to see. The story, lighting/camera use and creative direction really amassed a fun, beautiful lush film with campy vibes, making it my favourite watch this year.

Stage Fright

very fun and cool watch! had moments that emulated such classic comedic spongebob vibes that i loved and had me rolling