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Somebody Someone RainingBrit

11 Reviews


The Long Neck Job

Everything in this film worked so perfectly + I imagine that watching in a packed cinema would have been incredible! The best poop effect + humour I think I have ever seen in this festival!


Hands down favourite film of GF for me. The moment of first blood squirt was skin crawling good. Was that spounge he pulled out? whatever it was was hilarious. 1Million percent recommend this film! I wish this film had been on the podium!


During the GF livestream we almost fell out of our chairs in fits of laughter + jubilation.
Reminded me of what 48hours was all about for so long. Not the most polished but the most fun.
And the team taking the awards seem so choice, humble + appreciative. :-)


A truly revolting yet delightful film. or maybe delightfully revolting. both are true;-) Without this movie, I wouldn't have realized that "cute" and "grotesque" could coexist in the same sentence. However, isn't anyone going to address the proverbial elephant of the festival? In the week leading up to filming Tim shared Instagram stories of him making the film. Isn't this supposed to be a 48-hour film festival? 48 HOURS. We need to return to the festival's true spirit. Seeing his intro where he dismisses accusations of "cheating," and then knowing the film was worked on beforehand, is disheartening. Tim is undoubtedly a creative genius and a festival staple who inspires many. His immense talent is already an advantage over the rest of us, don't need to bend the rules. He’s likely not the only one doing this, so maybe it's a moot point.
Feel free to remove this post if its not a valuable part of the discourse!

Chef's Kiss

Delicious and daring. The performances were delicious as was the whole package. This is the exact film that I hope to see from this festival ;-)
Like the other reviewer said, extremely rewatch able!

Lover's Got the Runs

I think I will be singing the song every time I need to get my business done from now on. I can only imagine this brought the house down at the GF;-)

I couldn't help but be a bit disappointing to see the cliche of making christians the enemies of LGBTQ+ community. Seems to be a trend that needs to in media which isn't helpful during this time when we are more and more divided. That's my nitpick, everything else = beautifully done.

Stage Four Law

A beautiful earnest + felt film. I think everyone knows someone who has been touched by the subject matter here and you can feel that this film wasn't made to exploit those situations. It was truly a heartfelt send off.

Man Hand

Truly a skin crawling journey. Didn't understand a thing as far as the story but didn't care one bit. It crawled into my subconscious + didn't leave me till the very end credits. Lovely but yucky;-)
1Million percent reccomend gutted by couch kumara followed by 99,999,999 percent recommend this film!

Zero Mum Game

Choosing to start the GF livestream with this film was incredible. Set the bar so high. Seeing a film of this calibre come from the festival really does mean we are evolving as humans. It feels much more like a regular short film. Like no rough edges at all. Comedy of the highest degree ;-)

Dead of the Day

Stunnign. Even on a small computer screen you can see this is big budget beautiful. Should have won best cinematography IMO.
Double thumbs up!

Loose End

A different - in a good way - kind of film from many of the other "skit" type films. With a full features length storyline crammed into 5minutes. The ending although shocking and thought provoking didn't feel setup well enough to be as satisfying as it could have been. Was that his string coming back to get him? The tone took a natural progression which was comforting until that final couple of shots though;-)