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Somebody Someone moolamb

8 Reviews



Once again Picklethugs takes on a subject with maturity far beyond what's expected for their age. A teenage girl's obsession with a boy takes her away from the person who needs her attention most - her dementia-suffering mother. What a very dramatic concept! It's a double-edged sword as even though it has so much potential for conflict and poignance, it feels like an idea that's too big for a 6-7 minute short. This idea needs time to develop, and I felt a little disappointed with all the lost opportunities. The mother and daughter could be thrown into deeper peril. Exposition could have come from action rather than dialogue, and the daughter's resolution could have come through a climactic conflict, rather than a deus ex machina at the park. The highlights were a great convincing performance from our young lead - reminded me of Arya Stark for some reason :) ... And as usual, put together very solidly in the technical side of things. I'm being extra thorough with my criticism not because I think it's a bad film, but because I see the most potential in this team. You guys regularly punch above your weight and I'm sure I'll see you at the top very soon!


A disjointed timeline gradually reveals the journey of a convict's redemption, as he is released from prison. This is harrowing stuff from veterans Goodfellas. Even amongst such a quality heat, the film really stood out. The high drama coupled with incredible performances (that close-up...) and expert editing held my attention all the way. What I really enjoyed was discovering the story piece by piece. It may start off confusing, but it becomes very clear by the end. My only minus is the music choice. Although it might seem to help glue the scenes together, it was the only thing that took me out of the film with its constant ring. This could have been a stronger film without music. Well done and good luck for the finals!

Guinea Pig Funeral

My number two for the heat. There's a huge dollop of charm in this story of a man and his beloved hamster. LOVE all the cutouts and practical effects. Love the recorder funeral. Love the actors - special mention to the hamster! It all worked in this short. Good cinema is a story told well, and you guys nailed it. I can't think of much constructive criticism off my short memory, but I remember pacing overall could be tightened - it feels like the kind of film that needs to bounce energetically along and for some reason I felt it lagged at the beginning.


Once again Picklethugs takes on a subject with maturity far beyond what's expected for their age. A teenage girl's obsession with a boy takes her away from the person who needs her attention most - her dementia-suffering mother. What a very dramatic concept! It's a double-edged sword as even though it has so much potential for conflict and poignance, it feels like an idea that's too big for a 6-7 minute short. This idea needs time to develop, and I felt a little disappointed with all the lost opportunities. The mother and daughter could be thrown into deeper peril. Exposition could have come from action rather than dialogue, and the daughter's resolution could have come through a climactic conflict, rather than a deus ex machina at the park. The highlights were a great convincing performance from our young lead - reminded me of Arya Stark for some reason :) ... And as usual, put together very solidly in the technical side of things. I'm being extra thorough with my criticism not because I think it's a bad film, but because I see the most potential in this team. You guys regularly punch above your weight and I'm sure I'll see you at the top very soon!

A Song For Mum

Idiotvision... Musical with babies. Enough said.