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Somebody Someone BigBadFun

7 Reviews


The Frog King

A cleverly written poem, if a little long. Film used drawings and voiceover - very nice artwork. Better sound would have improved it vastly - great storytelling skills. Well done!


WOW! Easily the winner of the heat by a country mile! Very professionally filmed and edited with some great characters, witty humour and great sound. Dialogue was minimal but punchy. Clever use of elements - good ex-bully angle, and the use of the line was very funny. Well done guys. See you in the finals!

Wire We Here?

Nice camera work and good colour grading - especially under the bridge and fight scene which was very well edited. Unfortunately as the reviewer above mentioned... the very noisy exit from the theatre en masse immediately after you film played made everyones jaws drop! Very bad form guys. You blew it big time. Right in front of some judges too.