1 Entry and 22 Reviews

Journey To The Center Of The Kitchen
Awkward Turtle
My Nemesis
A decent effort, but it lacked the punch needed to make it something that stood out in any particular way. The 2 leads gave a good performance - particularly the girl - and the reason the characters were filming was good thinking (they were filming an audition tape for "Wander In The Wilderness"). Until about a third or so of the way through I didn't know whether it was going to turn into a comedy or a horror, which I liked as it kept me on my toes. The lead girl's past came back to haunt her during the filming of the audition tape, which worked really well when it was kept subtle, but didn't seem to click so well when using a more brazen approach. A pretty standard ending. I enjoyed seeing glimpses of the mysterious past and trying to figure out the hows and whys of what happened, and I was still pondering as I left the theatre if I got the gist of it right (which is a good thing).
Loved this one, strong and original storyline, and an interesting take on the lovers on the run genre without subverting it too far. Also the strongest integration of the prop that I've seen this year. The chase scene with the shot of the taxidermists hanging out the van was comedic gold - and the final scene with the dog taking the baddies down was also a standout. Some parts of the chasing could've been cut down for snappiness, but that's about it. I'm surprised it didn't make the city finals.
No Bars
This film was quite slick, but left a little to be desired as it felt like it ended prematurely, or like it was a set up to a film rather than one in its own right. Set over one night at a party this team successfully managed to create the party atmosphere while not needing a roomfull of people (an admirable feat in itself). An unusual morning after to the party gave the film what would usually be the "obstacle" in the story but then it just... ended. Still, what was there was well done.
An interesting and enjoyable film, mostly for the little situations and scenes thrown in along the way rather than for the storyline. There were a lot of gems along the way that made me laugh or smirk and the script emphasised on these moments, making them a strong asset. Good acting, obviously playing to strengths and not afraid to go over-the-top which I enjoyed but others may not. I would reccomend watching it, though it's not genius in either its execution or idea.
My Nemesis
A decent effort, but it lacked the punch needed to make it something that stood out in any particular way. The 2 leads gave a good performance - particularly the girl - and the reason the characters were filming was good thinking (they were filming an audition tape for "Wander In The Wilderness"). Until about a third or so of the way through I didn't know whether it was going to turn into a comedy or a horror, which I liked as it kept me on my toes. The lead girl's past came back to haunt her during the filming of the audition tape, which worked really well when it was kept subtle, but didn't seem to click so well when using a more brazen approach. A pretty standard ending. I enjoyed seeing glimpses of the mysterious past and trying to figure out the hows and whys of what happened, and I was still pondering as I left the theatre if I got the gist of it right (which is a good thing).