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Fine Dining

by Circle Team 144 views


A neat wee film, with possibly the best twist of Heat 4. Some good use of locations, to give a feel of post-apocalypse; even the MDF and corrugated-iron dwelling of the main characters felt appropriately gritty and functional. The performances of the two leads were good, especially the woman playing Vic Meyer, an interesting and fun character to watch. And despite the implication of certain ingredients, those meals sure looked tasty. Early on I was worried that the tone was a bit uneven - is it a bleak drama? is it a black comedy? - but that sorted itself out as it went on. Best moment: one of our leads is hacking away at a woman on the ground; he pauses for a moment; the woman's head pops up and looks at camera; pops down; he then starts hacking away again.

Default Avatar uglyeye

Loved the punch line!. Great actress.

Default Avatar MistaTeas

Newspaper headlines that are glued on inform us that the Government has collapsed and chaos now reigns. The world it seems is ending. Our lead is a resourceful man who fends for himself until he is confronted by, Vic Meyer - gourmet cook. She has a need; for meat. Cue montage! Clever and quirky including one of the best POV shots I've seen in the heats thus far. Some great, humourous kills and expert use of a machete for hacking people up. Good acting from all involved including the dog and the ending was nicely worked to deceive the audience. This short was really well received by the audience so great job!

Hilarious intro. Newspaper was hilarious. Cool music during first chase scene. Sweet GoPro POV shot with the bow. lol @ "vic meyer" introducing herself. Weird cheerful music during the pillaging scene. Lots of cool shots of the food prep. Great twist with the dog. You can't kill a dog.

A neat wee film, with possibly the best twist of Heat 4. Some good use of locations, to give a feel of post-apocalypse; even the MDF and corrugated-iron dwelling of the main characters felt appropriately gritty and functional. The performances of the two leads were good, especially the woman playing Vic Meyer, an interesting and fun character to watch. And despite the implication of certain ingredients, those meals sure looked tasty. Early on I was worried that the tone was a bit uneven - is it a bleak drama? is it a black comedy? - but that sorted itself out as it went on. Best moment: one of our leads is hacking away at a woman on the ground; he pauses for a moment; the woman's head pops up and looks at camera; pops down; he then starts hacking away again.

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