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Reunion with Reality

by My Box Is On Fire 119 views


I'm a huge fan of anyone brave (crazy?) enough to do a 48 hour animation. Those eyes... I admit to getting a little lost around the reunion part, but those freaky eyes will haunt my nightmares!

The animation was awesome trippy as hell but I had no idea what was going on and how it related to reunion.

A nicely done animation, although I have zero idea how it related to the reunion genre. Still, being able to pull off animation in 48 hours is an achievement, and something that not many people could do well, so well done to this team.

Achieving this film in 48hours in undoubtably impressive. I love this type of style. Just a pity the story was wasted on me. I didn't see where it meshed with the given genre.

Default Avatar Roxy

This was a kinky dinky little animation. I loved the house at the start and yeah his eyes defo popped. In your face shiz. I was a little lost in the middle like he was tripping or just lost in his head and then woke up to reality? Him just staring at the TV and it was all in his head? The music made me want to dance.

Default Avatar Mitchel Viernes

another film that while very impressive (always impressive when an animation is effectively done in the 48hours given) I completely had no idea what was going on. I did feel very uneasy watching this, which would be a good thing but because of no story I was left with confused, empty feelings. Great art direction though with the design of characters and such, eyes were undoubtedly the best asset. Also did not see how the film tied in the genre it was given.

I'm a huge fan of anyone brave (crazy?) enough to do a 48 hour animation. Those eyes... I admit to getting a little lost around the reunion part, but those freaky eyes will haunt my nightmares!

A nicely done animation, although I have zero idea how it related to the reunion genre. Still, being able to pull off animation in 48 hours is an achievement, and something that not many people could do well, so well done to this team.

Achieving this film in 48hours in undoubtably impressive. I love this type of style. Just a pity the story was wasted on me. I didn't see where it meshed with the given genre.

Default Avatar Mitchel Viernes

another film that while very impressive (always impressive when an animation is effectively done in the 48hours given) I completely had no idea what was going on. I did feel very uneasy watching this, which would be a good thing but because of no story I was left with confused, empty feelings. Great art direction though with the design of characters and such, eyes were undoubtedly the best asset. Also did not see how the film tied in the genre it was given.

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