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My Friend Dave

by Studio of Dreams


Rather inventive take on the superhero genre, in that the power of our lead being a touch of death absolutely fit well with the antihero requirement of the comp. Unfortunately for mine despite this clever framework for the film, it also was centered around the overused cliche of a superhero talking on the couch to a therapist. I get that they were coming to terms with their awful power, but unfortunately it has been overused for many years in 48 Hours.

The other thing that jumped out at me was a very strong colour grade. I'm not sure if I'm on board personally, as it felt like the exposure was almost blasted, but it did give the film a memorable look.

In terms of what I liked about the film, I thought that your lead actor gave a sterling performance as the everyman superhero telling the tale for all intensive purposes. The music which is I see is original in the credits by the way was actually outstanding also. Some of the humour was very funny also, particularly the way that the life affirming flatmate 'Dave' met his demise, and giving up on the drowning swimmer bwahahaha.

I know you're working with what you've got, and fair play to you, but even with a clever way of incorporating a superpower I did feel that some of the deaths felt like they could have been given significantly more impact. I get you were going for comedy but if you're all in (eg, comical close ups on deaths) you could have had more impact, I feel.

Story: 2/5
Technical: 2/5
Elements: 2.5/5
Overall: 2/5

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