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My Beast and I



Ok. So this is my first ever review. My eldest has had a team in the comp for the past ten years. I can get rather obsessive during 48hours and really love watching all the films, reading all the reviews and just loving the talent this competition nurtures. Crab Crab Cactus you have done it! You got this old bird to jump on here and do her first review. I just had to hop on here as it is criminal that Crab Crab Cactus does not as yet have a review. Firstly can I say I am a HUGE fan and have been for the past ten years I have been watching the competition. This team never disappoints. And this film I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I may not know all the technical jargon so bare with....but the soundtrack is exquisite. "Rise up power stud" had me humming and singing along!! Surely it will win best score. The acting is on point. The story is super fun. This film is truly entertaining. I was smiling and giggling through the whole film. Honestly how do do you pull it all together so effortlessly. The production design is a favourite of mine as well. There is just so much to love. I can't wait to watch it again at the city finals and I will be clapping loudly. I have my fingers, toes and everything crossed that you bring home some awards. Thanks heaps for entertaining this old Ma. I really look forward to watching your future projects.

The fact that I'm only the second person to say something about this film so far is insane, time to give some love to the crabs!

I've been a fan of this team since I was like 16 and have always looked forward to their yearly offering of joy. In fact to be perfectly clear about it - I credit this team for a lot of my early formation as a creative in this comp, I watched them and went 'ohhhh so THAT'S how you do 48hours!'

So whenever their delightful opening tune shows up I get strap in and get ready for what I hope will be a wild ride.

This year they did not dissapoint! a really entertaining and wholesome story - yes, even the sacrificing of the dude was wholesome!

Great song, great performances, great fun! Not really sure what to offer as far as a serious critique, but I guess what I would say is I'd be really interested to see a version of this where it isn't cut short by the boss man saying 'make me that' and instead just kept cranking the insane dial up to something trully bizzare, only thing is I don't really know what that would be exactly.

I salute you again for a job well done and I can't wait for more.

What I liked:
The same manic energy of the crabs and the cactuses (cacti? Cactus?) was once again brought to the table this year, and it's awesome to see. This is the kind of story that feels like such a wonderful marriage of these creative voices, and it's good to see them still going strong.

What I didn't like:
Okay so - you guys are my pals and I'm going to use that as an excuse to suggest two potentially harsh ideas for next year here:
1.Earlier Crab films, I think, did a better job of the wacky monster feeling like an organic part of the world, and I'd love to see that attention to detail return. The monster suits here are cool, but they are obviously suits, their mouths don't move when they speak and you even see their shoes under the footies during their tabletop fight - I think immersion is something ya'll have been so good at before, and I encourage you to prioritise that next year :)
2. Okay so "Rise Up Power Stud" is musically really good and a total ear worm, but in my personal taste, I'm a little tired of the obligatory "80s throwback power ballad" thing. I'm not city manager anymore, so maybe my two cents are no longer welcome, but I'd love to see Tim's musical talents be applied and challenged with something that sounds a little different next year :P

Something else I liked:
The "GREAT" on the whiteboard gag - one of the best of the year. I've said that in a few reviews now, which has made me think I should have done "Best Individual Joke" as an award, but this would have absolutely been nominated and probably won.

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