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The Long Neck Job

by Kratos

A small time crook gets given a beast of a job. He needs to pull this off without a hitch as his neck is on the line.


This film is testament to a team that has evolved and matured every single year!
As soon as you see their logo pop up you know you're in for a treat. And this year they have outdone themselves. The humour and tight story was superb.

Everyone will be talking about the car - but if you've seen their other films you'll know that this team is willing to go above and beyond to treat us to spectacle like this each year!

Achieving the nod from PJ is just the jam on top of the donut. This film is a treat for all who watch it!

Congrats on another top tier film!

Kia ora Kratos.

Firstly I have not seen your film as of yet, but given our history, I already know that you guys can “Bring it”

I am extremely proud and happy that you guys are finally being recognised as the “Gods of Hori Chaos” in film and that you have finally elevated to the taumata of the Grand Finals.

Know Jol that I will be watching the GF this Saturday in support of yous and it would bring a tear to my eye (No bullshit) if you guys managed to take the main title.

Nga mihi mahana ki a koutou.

Ngati Porou mo ake tonu atu.

- Rob

This was a fun, cheesy film that took a stereotypical cliche and spun it on its head. There was some surprising, laugh-out-loud moments that took me by complete surprise (the end shot had me in stitches) - but the real question is, how did you get that Alpaca in the car?! One of the funniest shots in the entire grand finals was that Alpaca poking its head out of the window. Great work team Kratos, looking forward to seeing what you make next year!

Everything in this film worked so perfectly + I imagine that watching in a packed cinema would have been incredible! The best poop effect + humour I think I have ever seen in this festival!

Well done on this film. It was so much fun. A right laugh from start to finish. For a heist film, their choice of what would be the loot was hilarious. Perhaps it was a choice made for availability concern, but still felt it had me in fits of uproarious laughter. Excellent comedic tone. Congratulations

Well-deserved Sir Peter Jackson Wildcard and amazing to see Kratos' dream of coming to the 48Hours Grand Finals come true with 'The Long Neck Job'. I love all the surprises in the film, the alpaca in the car, the crash, the 'accident' all these elements make this film really exciting to watch and the audience at the Embassy loved it! I also liked some of the subtle moments, for example the guy playing piano in the background. If you want any constructive feedback, about what could be improved? I felt the death was a bit intense for the situation and maybe there was a missed opportunity not creating a sweet/heart moment with the daughter who wanted the Llama. All in all, a great year for Kratos and Gisborne!

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