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by Videoshop


Another film that is heads and shoulders above the competition. Masterful compositions, movement and grading. The tone is absolutely top notch. The story bold and one that deserves a second viewing to appreciate fully.
The acting is on another level with so much told with intricacies and implications.
It's so hard to pick out the best part of the film. Everything is working so well together and the result is a beautiful peice of art!!!!

The presentation of this film shows that this team knows what they are doing technically. The locations are well selected, and filmed at just the right time of day to convey the right emotion. The acting is also solid and engaging. The only thing I would say is that it wasn't clear to me what was happening with the story. You've got the lovers on the run, but I didn't feel like it had a solid emotional core.

I've been sitting and thinking about this film for months and months, umming and ahhing about the thoughts in my brain versus what comes out of my keyboard here. Because ultimately for me this does a number of things better than almost any film I've ever seen in the competition from a technical point of view, but the disjointed, conjoining stylised fairytale narrative genuinely had me scratching me head.

I'm not trying to make this a hot take but this might be the great trailer ever produced in 48 Hours.

The camerawork, direction, edit, grade, sound, music and performances are phenomenal. The coverage is out of this world and yet from a narrative point of view our central conceit is that twin flames will go any lengths for the other person?

Having said that yes it is delivered with nuanced tone and intensity to the point where we buy what you're selling as viewers. The onscreen journey is riveting, uptempo and engaging. There is also a heavy resolution of reality, more akin to BADLANDS than the structural nods to TRUE ROMANCE and NBK that one might expect here.

But honestly being technically so good I was frustrated by the lack of narrative depth to the plot, and felt that being so open ended in nature hurt the story because it made the tech wizardry overshadow the story. And story is king in 48.

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