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The Neighbour

by Lamps and Plants

A crew of thieves infiltrate the domain of "The Neighbour"


Woah, what a movie! Such a shame it's been DQ'd. Amazing use of lighting, score, camera angles and sound effects to keep the suspense right up there from start to finish. The fight sequence is superbly choreographed and shot. Very very clever filming, team!

Your mise en scene totally slaps. Excellent visual use of colour & light! The action caught me unexpected and was wayyy slicker than I was ready for. The finishing location was spectacular and exactly the right time to use a drone. I just wish we'd found out more about the motives, or the contents of the safe, and why the neighbours are guarding it, to reinforce the crime narrative. Still, easy to forgive that when it's just so cool to look at. Try again next time!

I enjoyed this. Great cinematography and use of light and perspective, especially with the safe. I really loved that fight scene. Well done.

I'm impressed! You had me engaged right the way through! There was some inventive camera work in the fight scene and the end shot was the one of the coolest locations I have seen in 48Hours! So many strong films disqualified this year. Great work Lamps and Plants!

Some great action in this, especially the fight scene which is so well shot and choreographed. A number of excellent visuals and the interior setting really gives a claustrophobic feel to it. On the down side the story is pretty light. We learn nothing about the characters, why a single safe is so important or really anything much at all. Still, a mostly effective and well-paced action thriller. Nice work!

Great cinematography.
Great atmosphere.
Fight choreography- top notch.

On the heels of my favourite film of 2022 "s.w.a.p." Expectations were high and I think the undercooked storyline was the weak link. Tighten that up and this team will be a force to be reckoned with in coming years for sure!

Watching out for future films from this talented group for sure!!!!

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